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Writer's picture24HOUR CHILDCARE

"Decoding 24-Hour Daycare"

I understand many parents ask whether my daycare operates as a 24-hour facility. I take the time to clarify what a 24-hour daycare truly entails. Contrary to the misconception, a 24-hour daycare is state-licensed to provide childcare at any time or day of the week. However, it does not necessarily mean the daycare is open round-the-clock daily.

In my daycare, I operate on a consistent shift to maintain stability and ensure quality care. I have chosen not to accommodate parents who work different shifts during the week. This decision allows me the flexibility to adjust if needed, but it does limit my availability for specific scheduling options.

One of the reasons I opted for this approach is that it allows me to avoid issues with the CCDF voucher program. When a parent is enrolled on multiple shifts, it affects the daycare's reimbursement. For example, if a parent with two children works one shift from 6 am to 6 pm, it occupies two slots. However, if another parent with two children works a different shift from 3 pm to 11 pm, it occupies four slots (6 am to 6 pm and 6 pm to 6 am). This results in potential overages that CCDF will not cover, which can cause financial challenges for both the daycare and the parents.

By maintaining a consistent shift schedule, I can provide a stable and reliable environment for the children in my care, while also managing administrative considerations effectively. I always strive to be transparent with parents about these policies to ensure they have a clear understanding of the daycare's operations and the factors that influence my decision-making process.

CCDF Vouchers

Shift One....

In shift one from 6 am to 6 pm, full-time vouchers are applicable. The CCDF covers 8 hours, and parents receive ten-hour vouchers. Should there be any overage, it is the parents' responsibility to cover the additional time. During this shift, the children attend daycare between 6 am and 6 pm. The CCDF also provides parents with a specific number of personal days each year for instances when the children are absent from the daycare.

Shift Two....

In shift two from 6 pm to 6 am, full-time vouchers apply. The CCDF covers 8 hours, and parents receive ten-hour vouchers. If there are any additional hours beyond the covered time, it is the parents' responsibility to handle the overage. During this shift, the children attend daycare between 6 pm and 6 am. The CCDF also grants parents a specific number of personal days each year for situations when the children are absent from the daycare.

Shift Three...

In shift three, which encompasses both 6 am to 6 pm and 6 pm to 6 am, full-time vouchers are applicable. The CCDF covers 8 hours, and parents receive ten-hour vouchers. Any additional hours beyond the covered time become the parents' responsibility for payment. During this shift, the children attend daycare between the hours of 6 am to 6 pm and 6 pm to 6 am, occupying two four slots. The CCDF also provides parents with a specific number of personal days for instances when the children are absent from the daycare.

Impact Vouchers...

These vouchers are exclusively offered to parents actively seeking employment. The state provides these parents with part-time childcare vouchers, covering 20 hours a week, distributed across five days with four hours each day. Please note that there are no personal days included in these vouchers. It is essential to understand that these vouchers specifically cater to part-time childcare needs for parents actively engaged in job search and employment activities.

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